June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thank you very much from Ceci Gray's S.P.!!!

Thank you so much for the books. Sydney was so happy to get all of those books. Especially the moose one. We will have to sit down and read them before nap time today. Thanks again! Sydney was really excited to get all the books. I am sure they will be read and re-read by mom many times. :-)
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

To Margie DeLay secret pal! November

Thank you for all wonderful gifts. We are in the process of moving. I will post a picture soon. I won't have a computer for about a week. My new address is
131 Woodside LN, Arlington, MA 02474

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thank you Kristin Minor's SP!!

Ok, I have been having trouble with Blogger....but I think I have it figured out now!! :)
SP...you are the greatest!!! I just freaked out when I opened these awesome lady bug gifts! :) The Bug travel hairdryer is soooooo the best! You have no idea how much we use "hair ecoutraments" around our house! :) With 4 girls and three in dance we are constantly using the hair dryer! :) The Anne Geddes doll is precious! I can't wait for my little "bug" to be home to play with that!~ Thank you so much...I appreciate your gifts and really look forward to opening them every month!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thank you Michele Anderson's Secret Pal!

Okay, Secret Pal, I received the gifts YOU sent. The night that we got your package, we ripped it open to find several beautifully wrapped gifts.

Zoe was VERY excited to have three gifts with her name on them and had a great time opening her gifts. This is the first time she has torn the paper off of a gift completely by herself! Usually she asks me to help, but not this time. Ohhhhh, pretend food!
More pretend food!!! Zoe was barely able to contain herself!

A wonderful book about doing crafts with kids. I can't wait to sit down and look through this. I really love this gift and I'm sure we'll use it a lot.

Zoe had three packs of pretend food. And she has been playing with it ever since she opened it up. She absolutely loves this gift, thank you! You made her day, that is for sure. I can't get over how much she loves it. She keeps putting the food in different bags, then back in the baskets, then in bags, and then she takes inventory of what she has.

Above you can see all of our great stash. I got some great smelling potpourri and some salsa dip mix. (Ray will like that). Oh yeah, and Zoe got a chef hat! She won't let me put it on her yet, but I'm sure before the night is over she will be wearing it.

Thank you so much, Secret Pal, once again you have made our day. We love everything you sent! I really do appreciate your thoughtfullness. I love it when a package from you arrives and it is sooo much fun seeing what you've sent us. You've definitely made the wait go by fast so far. Please know that the packages you send are adored and very much appreciated. You are the best secret pal ever.

Michele & Zoe

Sunday, November 26, 2006

To Kristin's Secret Pal

Thank you very much secret pal I returned home from my travels throughout the state & had a nice package to open. I laughed when I saw the squeaky shoes. Just what I wanted. When I tested them, Bailey would tilt his head. I think that he thought that it was a present for him. He loves squeaky toys. I included a picture of him & his squeaky elephant. I can just imagine the future when he is playing with one of his squeaky toys and our daughter is walking around with her squeaky shoes. I am sure that our daughter will enjoy the fan, stress balls and push pins as well. Thank you so much for your beautiful gifts!
Kristin Hager

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Personal Monogram Thanks SP

What a surprise! Check out the personal monogram my Secret Pal had done for Annalise. This will be a definite must have in China.
Secret Pal you have put such great thought and love into your gifts and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

I love music and I also received a Lullabies CD for Little Dreamers how perfect for a child that may be use to sleeping with a bit of noise.

The card looks just like my Lilly did when she was a baby. Where did you find a Secret Pal card how great it will be in her scrap book forever. Thank you so much Secret Pal you're the best!!!!!

Love Paulette

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanks to Sandy H. Secret pal!!!

I absolutely love all the Panda stuff. I didn't have one thing with a Panda on it. The giant stuffed Panda is just so soft that I may sleep with it!!! You are so thoughtful in every gift you send, not only in the effort of finding nice things, but in the sweet and personal touch you put in each letter. Actually, I would be fine with just the little notes you send because you include such wonderful facts and information and it's always interesting to read. Anyway.... Thanks a bunch and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Bathtime Fun from Robin White's Secret Pal

Secret Pal,
Thank you so much for these bathtime fun gifts and the adorable little book about no more diapers. I was so excited to get them on Saturday just moments before our guests arrived for the OSU/Michigan game. Of course, I had to stop what I was doing so I could open my package and find out what goodies were inside!! The DH was even there this time and he thinks all of this is just so cool. Thank you again so very much. There is honestly nothing like getting a package in the mail. :-)

Absolutely lovely wrapping paper. It's almost
a shame to tear into it. (you notice I said "almost")

Bathtime fun. . love that little crab washie thing.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanks from Krista & Griffey

I copied this straight from my own blog....

My secret pal decided that this month should be about taking some time to relax a bit before the craziness of the holidays kicks in. She included a cold pack for my eyes which will be good to use at referral time. Helps knock down some of the puffiness from crying my eyes out. I cry tears of joy for all the beautiful babies who have found their forever families. Then I cry some more over how long this stupid wait is for the rest of us. Remember Krista... deep breath, find your zen place. Moving on. She also sent some moisture gloves. These are cool. You slather your dry ass hands up with lotion and then put on the gloves. Voila! Beautious, smooth, silky skin. I got a pumpkin spice candle. I'll fire that up. Maybe it'll help me get to the zen place. My pal always remembers Griffey, too. This month she sent little cookie cutters shaped like dog bones and some recipes for homemade dog biscuits. So actually I guess these aren't cookie cutters but dog biscuit cutters. I might have to help Griffey make these since he's missing those all important opposable thumbs. Thanks again Secret Pal. You are one of the bright spots to help mark these passing months until I get my Mia.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

To Beri's Secret Pal

yet another thanks to beri's secret pal. i absolutely love jojo the clown. it was so cute, i took it right out of the packaging and started to pose the hands. i was feeling a little silly when my husband walked in and asked what i was doing, but then noticed the packaging said, "for kids of all ages". let's be honest...the lack of support from the packaging wouldn't have made any difference. i love that little clown! also a big thanks for the gourmet coffee, yummy tea, and specialty pancake mixes. i wanted to make one this morning but remembered i had to take a picture first. you have great timing on your mailing. i just got the new cord for our camera on friday.
thanks again, secret pal!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

To Lorrin's Secret Pal ....

You can sew! You are MUCH more crafty than me!!!

I love, love, love how you added such a special touch to the Old Navy overalls. These were a STAPLE with our eldest (since she suffers from the "tiny hiney syndrome") even though denim overalls usually aren't much to "ooh" over in terms of cuteness ... but you turned them into some extra ADORABLE! I love the ladybug ribbon and fabric embellishing these (on the back as well, for others reading this)! I also love the ladybug purse, which I was sure to open out of Abby Mei's sight so that I can save it for her mei mei. And the notebook is absolutely stunning -- gotta love Chinese silks.

Thank you so much! And how thoughtful you were to create something with a hand-made touch.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 17, 2006

More Secret Pal Love

Dear Secret Pal you are a great Secret Pal that is for sure. I don’t know where you live but I can say that the mail coming to Lake Tahoe is as slow as molasses in January. Parcel Post will take up to 2 weeks on a good day. I think the Pony Express could do a better job the old rout goes right by my house. But these days I have to drive down the mountain 1500 feet to the post office in our little town of Stateline. I don’t get there every day as my work takes me in the opposite direction. You did not have to send another gift. But how lucky Annalise is to have more thermals. The butterfly toy is great it lights up and is too cute. Strawberry Shortcake was my little sister’s favorite and I know Annalise will love it too. Don’t go out of your way please this is enough this month and I will look forward to more surprises in December. Have a great Thanksgiving and thank you for your thoughtfulness.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well Worth The Wait

Thanks you so much secret pal. No worries on the time frame I just had to share the post office fiasco last week it was too funny I felt like I was steeling someone’s mail in hopes it was from you. Please don’t take offence I know things happen. I’m just so glad you’re still in the game.
I just love the thermal undies, they will come in so handy in Tahoe. The bows are just great I love the colors and no baby could have enough bibs that say, “My Mommy is Special”. You have made me feel very special. All I need is the baby to go with this gift, I can just imagine for now.But most of all she will be a true June Bug in these slippers they are adorable and soooo soft. Thank you very much. This month will be like an early Christmas for Annalise.

Sunday, November 12, 2006



Sunday, November 05, 2006

To Beri's Secret Pal

a big hug to beri's secret pal. yesterday's trip to the mailbox was rewarded with a wonderful secret pal gift. i'd post a picture, but my husband has misplaced the cord to attach the camera. (it's probably still in baltimore, where work last sent him...grrr. :)
i can't say how much i love the cd. i'm listening to it right now for the 3rd time. it's wonderful and so thoughtful. what a great card you found. i didn't know they made cards for secret pals. i also love the bookmark and jewelry piece. you'll have to let me know exactly what it's for. when i first saw it, it thought it would be perfect as a zipper pull, but i'm not sure that's its intent. it's so pretty, i'd love to wear it every day as a piece of jewelry on my coat. an extra big thanks for the fabric. i know it probably seems like a little thing, but it means so much and will be yet another beautiful addition to the 100 good wishes quilt.
thank you, secret pal.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

To Sandy H. secret pal.

Thank you so much for the wonderful calendar!!! I just love it. There are so many beautiful pictures in that I could sit and look at it over and over again. It's really neat how anyone can enter their childs picture and it doesn't matter what agency you are with. It's just an awesome gift. Thanks again!!! Sorry I was late posting:)


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

To Kelly Ryan's Secret Pal

How do I love my Secret pal.... Let me count the ways. You are so thoughtful, have fabulous taste, and always remember my boys! I received such a treat in my mail today!! The most gorgeous Tommy Hilfiger dress and matching bloomers. matching tights too. A second precious outfit with matching socks. My boys got a book, coloring book and crayons and some candy. Thank you so very much! I feel so LUCKY!! I look so forward to receiving my package each month. Thanks Again!
Kelly Ryan

To Julie's Secret Pal

Thank you so much for the fall decorations. I love the scarecrow and the matching towel and oven mitt. I couldn't get the picture to post. I just wanted to say that you are the greatest.



Thank you Michele Anderson's Secret Pal!

While I was out of town for the last two weeks, my husband called me to let me know that I received a box from my secret pal. Actually, what happened was I was on the phone with my husband when he checked the mail and he saw the box and said, "What did you buy now?" Knowing that I had not purchased anything online I knew instantly that the box was from my secret pal. We got home Monday night and I thought that I open the next morning. Only when I went looking for the box I could not find it! I called Ray and said, "Where is my box?!" Turns out the box was in his car still. Gah! So I had to wait until he came home from work yesterday to open up the box. He brought it in with him and I grabbed it from him and immediately ripped it open and found a festively wrapped group of gifts.

My Secret Pal was so sweet to include a package for Zoe. She was so excited about unwrapping her gift that she could barely contain herself long enough to tear the paper off. She would start to tear into it and then frantically ask me to help her.

Zoe opening her Pez! She loves, loves, loves her Pez toy.

When Zoe saw the crayons she yelled, "Color!"

Zoe loved everything in her package. She has already put the bag to good use!

And here you can see all of the treats for Zoe's future baby sister. Books, hair goodies! So cute! And some candy for Ray and me!

Secret Pal, thank you so much. You are a bright spot in my and Zoe's month, that is for sure. Every time someone posts on the June dtc board, I wonder if it is you. Even though I have ZERO clue who you are, I feel like you are a friend and I can't wait until the day that I find out who you are.

I still have the questions you sent me and I swear I'm going to finish it. I'm sorry about that. I thought about it again a week or so ago.

Thank you!