June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Saturday, November 18, 2006

To Lorrin's Secret Pal ....

You can sew! You are MUCH more crafty than me!!!

I love, love, love how you added such a special touch to the Old Navy overalls. These were a STAPLE with our eldest (since she suffers from the "tiny hiney syndrome") even though denim overalls usually aren't much to "ooh" over in terms of cuteness ... but you turned them into some extra ADORABLE! I love the ladybug ribbon and fabric embellishing these (on the back as well, for others reading this)! I also love the ladybug purse, which I was sure to open out of Abby Mei's sight so that I can save it for her mei mei. And the notebook is absolutely stunning -- gotta love Chinese silks.

Thank you so much! And how thoughtful you were to create something with a hand-made touch.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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