June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thank you Michele Anderson's Secret Pal!

While I was out of town for the last two weeks, my husband called me to let me know that I received a box from my secret pal. Actually, what happened was I was on the phone with my husband when he checked the mail and he saw the box and said, "What did you buy now?" Knowing that I had not purchased anything online I knew instantly that the box was from my secret pal. We got home Monday night and I thought that I open the next morning. Only when I went looking for the box I could not find it! I called Ray and said, "Where is my box?!" Turns out the box was in his car still. Gah! So I had to wait until he came home from work yesterday to open up the box. He brought it in with him and I grabbed it from him and immediately ripped it open and found a festively wrapped group of gifts.

My Secret Pal was so sweet to include a package for Zoe. She was so excited about unwrapping her gift that she could barely contain herself long enough to tear the paper off. She would start to tear into it and then frantically ask me to help her.

Zoe opening her Pez! She loves, loves, loves her Pez toy.

When Zoe saw the crayons she yelled, "Color!"

Zoe loved everything in her package. She has already put the bag to good use!

And here you can see all of the treats for Zoe's future baby sister. Books, hair goodies! So cute! And some candy for Ray and me!

Secret Pal, thank you so much. You are a bright spot in my and Zoe's month, that is for sure. Every time someone posts on the June dtc board, I wonder if it is you. Even though I have ZERO clue who you are, I feel like you are a friend and I can't wait until the day that I find out who you are.

I still have the questions you sent me and I swear I'm going to finish it. I'm sorry about that. I thought about it again a week or so ago.

Thank you!


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