June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thank you Anik!!

What a wonderful Pal you have been!! Our family has enjoyed each and every package. Not to mention our dear Postman! He didn't know what the S.P. stood for until I explained our adoption and that we were doing the exchange to pass the time.
Evey time the older guy would come with your package he would say "I know what this is!". It actually made me more excited myself, and I already was excited enough.

Wendy cried when we made her wait until daddy got home. It was worth it though.

We had our air mattress out and all of the girls got down on it to open ours up. Dad took the photos. Not a one of us had makeup on and weren't prepared for the photo session. Mike also ate his gift before I could get his photo. He did share with Wendy.

The drum is something I have looked at each time I'm at Target, but is also something I have put back and have said Later maybe. So, that was a real treat to get, and if I knowing how Wendy was as a baby I know Mylie will be very happy with it.

Wendy, being a real jokester, pulled hers out and with out really looking at it said "All I got was UNDER WEAR!".....we about died!!!! She has been watching Polar Express and one of the children comes up with that. Once she found out it was an apron and chef hat she was very excited. Lacy told her she could wear them while we bake today.....that made her even more excited.
I'll post one of her in her own kitchen.

Lacy and Holly truly appreciated the lotion, lip balm, and nail file. They have actually been using my lotion...now they have their own.

Mike just loves Maple Syrup as do we all, but he really does!! We will think of you on Christmas morning as we have it with breakfest.

I above everyone am very grateful for such a wonderful pal. You have helped me get through some pretty stressful moments. I just love my Crystal Ladybug!!! I will always think of you every time I look at it. I haven't seen one like this at all. It is very unique.

Now, believe me when I say I didn't have a clue it was you. You know there are several from Canada. Of course we knew you were from Canada....could help it, but never put two and two together.

Please stay in touch. I know we would love to come and visit you someday. Who knows we may meet in China. One never knows how things will go in the future, and our times may over lap there.

We are planning a move and once we are settled I will send you our new address privately along with our phone #. My husband is getting a promotion in position and we are looking forward to our move. There will be plenty of time to get settled at this rate before we travel for Mylie.

Love and Hugs,
Your pal and friend,
Lesa and family


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