June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Sunday, January 06, 2008



Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts you sent during the last 6 months! You have been a real blessing. Your packages always lifted up my spirit. Thank you for been there!!!
Sylvain and myself ADORE this month's gifts! My girl and I will be "pretty in pink! I cannot wait to read the Christmas book to Marili.For a last time, I must once again say that you always pick out the most perfect gifts for us. It is like, either you have known me for years or you can read minds!!!!
I will make a special scrapbooking album for Marili containing the pictures of all the goodies and notes you have sent each month. I want her to know that you were the special friend who gave her all those wonderful gifts!

Please lets stay in touch!!!!

Your forever friend!