June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

YYY Happy New Year YYY

My wonderful secret pal thinks of everything!!

This time she really surprised us!! She sent two beautiful glasses that she etched chinese symbols on and a small bottle of sparkling wine!! That was so thoughtful!!

DH and I toasted to a new year full of
"New Forever Families"

Happy new year everyone!!

and thanks a million SP!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Thank you Gallant's Secret Pal!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Thank you very much for all the great gifts! We didn't open them until Christmas, Jaclyn loved the make-up (she needed some too!), Shane loved the gloves, and they fit!, I loved the perfume (very nice soft scent) and Shane loves it too!!!! LOL. I let Jaclyn open the one to Callie and we all said AHHHHHHHH! at the same time, she is adorable! I think she needs a name and only fitting that you should give her one don't you think??? Then Callie will call her dolly the name you gave her.
Thanks again, you are a great secret pal! From the gallant Family

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Huge Thanks to Kelly Ryan's Secret Pal

Sorry to be late in posting but we have been doing some Holiday traveling. What a great gift to come home to!!!!! I love the feeding theme and everything you chose! Just perfect! My husband said, "Oh my bottles? We are really going to have a baby again huh?" Too funny!

I am so grateful for the McDonald's and Blockbuster gift cards you sent for my boys. We used them today, as I was needing to get out! The boys were climbing the walls! You saved me! You are the BEST SECRET PAL!!

I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. Do not worry about being late. Health is more important anyday! Wishing you many blessings in the New Year!

I took pictures but cannot seem to get them off the camera at the moment. When hubby returns from his trip to the Independence Bowl, and can help me with the high tech camera, I will post the picture! Thanks again!

Fondly, Kelly Ryan

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thank You's from Robin White

Oh my goodness... what a site for bah-humbug eyes our gifts were this month. Sarah (my college-aged daughter) gets so excited about what comes from our secret pal you'd think the gifts were for her. This month was no exception. She was the one to run out and get it from the post man. She tore into the big box and was so excited that I said she could help open them that she tore into the wrapping paper and I didn't even get to take a picture of everything.. LOL. Anyway, we absolutely LOVE everything and it did put a smile on my face. Thank you secret pal. Just getting that package each month helps me smile a little bit during this very looooooong wait.

These little pink bootie ornaments are absolutely ADORABLE! They remind me of the little booties I had for my son's first Christmas and I have them hanging on my childhood ornament tree front and center.

My kids have this story on VHS..(tells you how old they/I am)
They both absolutely LOVED this movie. It was one of there
all time favorites next to Timmy's Christmas (precious moments movie)

This little finger puppet is the cutest thing. I can't wai to
play with Maddy with this little gal :-)

This was the best! Every single letter was individually
wrapped. AND.. it's in all the colors we want to do
Maddy's room in someday.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Kaytlin's Secret Pal (Michele S's)

Dear Secret Pal,

Kaytlin (and her Mommy) would like to thank you for the wonderful box of goodies she received in the mail today. She loves books, and we have already read the Dora and Hugs books. The stocking was a true hit! She loves to read our books about "Spot", and now she has her very own Spot the puppy and a touch & feel book to go with him. The sparkly "K" is already on the tree, and we had gingerbread men for our afternoon snack.

The jammies and cuddly fleece blanket will go with her to the Cleveland Clinic when she has surgery in January. I have a feeling "Spot" will be going as well, as she hasn't put him down since we opened the box!

You read my mind regarding the little white hat and mitten set! I looked for one the other day for her to wear on Christmas and couldn't find one. Thank you!

You are an awesome secret pal!
Merry Christmas!
Kaytlin & Michele

P.S. I do realize that she shouldn't wear the hat and mittens to bed...but they looked so cute on instead of sitting beside her! :)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Thank you Ceci Gray's Secret Pal

Thank you to my Secret Pal for my December and January gifts. They are awesome! I put on my blog that I planned my outfit on Friday night around my purse. My dh looked at me like I was crazy! What us girls won't do for our clothes and accessories! LOL! Thanks again! Posted by Picasa

New Blogger

Hi All,

I converted this blog to the new blogger. I hope it doesn't give you any troubles. Be careful if you go to edit old post them might disappear. If you have any questions drop me an email. Paulette@charter.net


Friday, December 15, 2006

Lorrin's Secret Pal Strikes Again!

Hello Secret Pal! Thank you so much for the wonderful December gifts. No pictures this month -- sorry -- as life continues to be crazy here at our house due to illness and general holiday madness. I have to say that your gift arrived on a great day. Two years ago, on December 14, we saw our daughter's referral pictures for the first time. And yesterday, December 14, we received your package! :)

It was a great lift after all of this news of the extending wait and new restrictions. I was struggling a bit, especially since I was spoiled during our last wait with a referral in less than six months, and just before Christmas no less. Moping, moping the day away yesterday .... but then I received your package and card! And, well, it helps to know that there are others traveling this crazy journey alongside us, no matter how long it takes. You've been a wonderful support and I thank you for that.

My daughter saw the two dolls and squealed -- and I mean squealed, "Just like Izzy and Emma." We know several sets of twins, including Elizabeth and Emma (adopted from Jiangxi), so the "twin" dolls were a HUGE hit! They've now been christened with the ever-s0-original names of "Elizabeth" and "Emma." Gosh, I wonder why?!?

The panda ornament is also beautiful, and now part of a growing collection of six. I didn't originally plan on collecting panda ornaments, but I do love 'em A TON, and I now feel a theme coming on.... :)

Merry Christmas to you and yours! Blessings in the coming year, Lorrin

Thursday, December 14, 2006

To Sandy H. secret pal...

Thank you so much! Everything is just so thoughtful, not to mention useful and cute. I have enjoyed receiving each and every gift and I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful person to share the same journey with. This secret pal thing just makes the time pass so quickly.
I hope you and your family are filled with blessing this Christmas season!

Merry Christmas,
Sandy H.

A quick Thank you to Lesa's SP for the November gift!

I posted a note without a photo so here is the photo finally!! Sorry it took so long to post the pics.
We really did love everything. The jewlery is absolutely great! I love the little suitcase for Mylie, and her itty bitty socks and the ladybug bib which I can't wait to use.There were sweet little lady bug earrings for her and Wendy. I have already wore my lady bug pin. I plan on taking our coin purse with us on Christmas vacation.
That just happened to be Wendy's gotcha day that we recieved the package (November 29th).
Again, thank you. You're so sweet and thoughtful.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

To Carla's Secret Pal

Okay...don't get excited just because I'm actually posting on here! You are just wonderful. Thank you so much for the gifts we received in November and now in December. I love the little frame with the cute shoes! The "Sweet Baby" ladybug is now hanging on our tree. The boys are enjoying the candy and have already played the game - how cute was that??!! Ray Charles - isn't he just awesome??!! I'm drinking the tea right now...keeping me nice and calm especially after the most recent rules that CCAA is implenting.

Again, thank you!!!


To Tina's Secret Pal:

Thank you so much for the cute baby outfit and the certificate holder. I guess you actually were able to find another piece to the memory box. I did receive the gift after we got home from Thanksgiving. So the post office isn't quite as slow as me. I was hoping to get a picture up, but hopefully I will be able to put it up on my blog, http://estillfamilyjourney.blogspot.com.

Thank you again for another great gift!
Tina E.

To my FAB secret pal!

Mail has been so slow up here lately! The other day I went to the post office, and discovered a package from my awesome SECRET PAL! This time, she sent an adorable little dress with matching undies, a travel cutlery set with a carrying case which I have never seen before! There were also two cute pairs of socks that have little frills around the ankle, and As usual she sent me a great card.To top it off...she sent a personalized bib that says Happy Adoption Day Mia with a little asian girl embroidered on it as well! Secret pal, you continue to make my day! Its been a rough week with all these rumors swirling around, and its been getting me down, but your packages always are a bright spot! Thanks again!


Saturday, December 09, 2006

To Beri's Secret Pal

What a wonderful December surprise! Thanks so much, Secret Pal. I love the beautiful little ornament. I plan to keep her in my display case year around, but for now, she's hanging on the Christmas tree so I will see her beautiful face every day.
While trying to take the picture for this post, my little boy cat decided he needed to help, so I've included his picture as well. The boy is not camera shy. :) He's so interested in the way her little legs move, that I've had to hang her high on the tree to keep his paws from getting into too much trouble.
Thanks again, Secret Pal. I love my red thread holder surprise!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006




Thank you Kristin Minor's SP!!

Girl....you are on the ball this month!! What a surprise and WHAT a precious doll! She has the most beautiful, sweetest little face.....do I have permission to open this and love and cuddle this doll baby until my real one comes home??? Thank you so much. What a precious and special gift!! Merry Christmas secret pal!!

Thank you to Julie's Secret Pal

Thank you for the great gifts. I love the photo album with pictures of Liam already in them. Mike was excited to see that. He is the creative one in the family. I also love the gift certificate. I can print off all my pictures from China and put them in there. I also plan on doing a collage frame for Liam from China. I can use the gift certificate for that as well.

Thanks for all the Christmas gifts. I plan to put them under the tree, and open them Christmas morning.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Deb Howatt-Gallant's SP

Thanks again SP! The little jeans are soooo sweet! I wish they came in my size! My DH loved the book he said it reminded him of when he was small, and he had it. I know you put a not in the gift asking for ideas but I think you are doing a great job, educational items are always good and you can never go wrong(not that you ever do) with Mary Engelbriet. adoption books like "love you like crazy cakes" and those kinds of things, but really you are doing great I love everything!
Thanks again, Happy holidays!
Deb Howatt-Gallant

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thanks SP you are the greatest!

Thank you Secret Pal for another wonderful and thoughtful gift. And I really did need a ladybug sighting this month. November seemed like a long month - I had a few (well really - a few to many) rough days and getting your gift on the 30th reminded me that November was all most over and that December would bring new hope with it. So thank you for helping be get through the month.
And for the gifts - I just LOVE the discovery ladybug. I've played with it about 5 times already. I have to show everyone that comes over. I just love that it does so many things. It's a book, a stuffed animal, it's got a little mirror,
a little flying ladybug, and on and on. It's going in the basket for possible must takes to China. It would be perfect on the way home on the plane. And the books are just too cute. I love them all. There's Five Little Ladybugs, Five Silly Monkeys and Five Wishing Stars. And the Stars are even glow in the dark. Thanks again for sending the most perfect gifts and at the most perfect time.

I hope my new little ladybug is as lucky as it is adorable.


Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanks to Kelly Monnin's secret pal

I got home from our Thanksgiving travels and was so excited to find my secret pal gift! It was two books, "Shaoey and Dot: Bug Meets Bundle" and "I Love You Forever", plus a very cute Groovy Girls doll! I love that dolls are available that look similar to our daughter and really appreciate this gift. As for the books . . . I cried. I always cry when I read "I Love You Forever" because it is just so true, but I had never read the other one. My son asked me to read it as soon as we opened the box, and I kept having to stop because I was too choked up to read. My 3 year old son thought I was crazy -- but it wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last either :) Someday he'll understand. Thank you so much for all your very thoughtful gifts!

I wanted to say a quick Thank You to my SP

I recieved our package on the 29th of November. That just happened to be Wendy's Gotcha Day!
We loved all of the nice things that you sent. I'll post photos as soon as I can.
Thanks so much to a very thoughtful Secret Pal.
Lesa and Family