June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Monday, December 18, 2006

Kaytlin's Secret Pal (Michele S's)

Dear Secret Pal,

Kaytlin (and her Mommy) would like to thank you for the wonderful box of goodies she received in the mail today. She loves books, and we have already read the Dora and Hugs books. The stocking was a true hit! She loves to read our books about "Spot", and now she has her very own Spot the puppy and a touch & feel book to go with him. The sparkly "K" is already on the tree, and we had gingerbread men for our afternoon snack.

The jammies and cuddly fleece blanket will go with her to the Cleveland Clinic when she has surgery in January. I have a feeling "Spot" will be going as well, as she hasn't put him down since we opened the box!

You read my mind regarding the little white hat and mitten set! I looked for one the other day for her to wear on Christmas and couldn't find one. Thank you!

You are an awesome secret pal!
Merry Christmas!
Kaytlin & Michele

P.S. I do realize that she shouldn't wear the hat and mittens to bed...but they looked so cute on instead of sitting beside her! :)


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