June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thanks SP you are the greatest!

Thank you Secret Pal for another wonderful and thoughtful gift. And I really did need a ladybug sighting this month. November seemed like a long month - I had a few (well really - a few to many) rough days and getting your gift on the 30th reminded me that November was all most over and that December would bring new hope with it. So thank you for helping be get through the month.
And for the gifts - I just LOVE the discovery ladybug. I've played with it about 5 times already. I have to show everyone that comes over. I just love that it does so many things. It's a book, a stuffed animal, it's got a little mirror,
a little flying ladybug, and on and on. It's going in the basket for possible must takes to China. It would be perfect on the way home on the plane. And the books are just too cute. I love them all. There's Five Little Ladybugs, Five Silly Monkeys and Five Wishing Stars. And the Stars are even glow in the dark. Thanks again for sending the most perfect gifts and at the most perfect time.

I hope my new little ladybug is as lucky as it is adorable.



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