June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Huge Cyber Hug to Lesa's Pal!!

It is like you have known me forever! My love for Ladybugs, and now my love for the Moon. I can't tell you how excited I was to get your package today. Wendy knew the total routine of the photo shoot we do.
First of all let me tell you thank you for the beautiful Moon ornament. I have been to the Cloisonnes Factory in China, and didn't see one like this. It is very unique.
I can't wait to play the lullaby music for Mylie.....I may have to try it out on Wendy.
I have never seen a night light like this one. How neat to have a large moon night light hanging in the nursery. My pal also sent me a sweet moon frame for one of my first photos of Mylie. I haven't gotten a frame until you sent this one. The booties are absolutely adorable I just can't wait for her to wear them!! Wendy tore into her package and was excited to see that she gets to make her own moon frame. I can tell you she really thought the lolly was yummy.

Thank you for being there for me. Your notes are always sweet and you never fail to ask how I'm holding up. Some days better than others. I know we have Wendy to keep us busy, but I still ache to hold my little Mylie Camille. Not to mention, I can't wait to see Wendy with her baby sister!
I hope you and your family are holding up through all of this. If this is your first adoption or even your first child ever I can tell you it will be so well worth it in the end. We will have something to tell our little ones thats for sure.

Take care.
Your Friend, Lesa


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