June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Monday, September 03, 2007

Carla W's SP

I came home from Madison Wisconsin to a very nice surprise. My SP had sent me a package!! Yeah!!! She's such a great sp. I don't have pictures because my son tore into everything - he was so excited! This time she sent some adorable pink shoes and a cute ladybug rattle for little T, a very pretty picture frame that says "Daddy's Girl" for my dh, some delish soap and a cute as a bug photo album for me, and some water balloon fun, gum, popcorn, slushi mix,Jumungi (the movie!) for the boys. She also sent a baby girl door hanger - so sweet. Thank you SP for thinking of me during such hard times. Your note and extra card were very sweet. These past 8 months have been extremely difficult and we appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers. You mentioned a hairbow holder - no I don't have one of those. Also, I probably did receive the June/July package from you and I am so sorry I didn't say THANK YOU!! As you know that was a rough couple of months. My boys are Tyler who is 17 and a senior this year, and Logan who is 14 and a freshman. You asked about their interests? Ha!! Sports - and for my 17 yr old his girlfriend! Fall baseball starts up this week, then comes wrestling and then spring ball. Other than that they both enjoy country music, the youngest enjoys his Xbox and both boys enjoy watching funny movies. Again, thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts. Receiving them each month has helped me and my family during this wait. You ROCK!!



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