June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Secret Pal Apology!

Dear Secret Pal,

I truely apologize for posting these thank you's and pictures so late. Between travel, camera and computer problems it seems I have fallen a little behind on everything! So here is the first of several posts to get me all caught up! Please just know that I have loved and appreciated everything that you have sent! I have the best pal!!!


  • At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Secret Pal,

    I'm so happy to hear that you like everything. It is really fun shopping for you guys.

    Have you guys decided on a baby name yet?

    With lot of love,
    Your Secret Pal

  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger Nicole said…

    Hi! Thanks so much for everything!

    No, we haven't decided on a name yes. Well, let me re-phrase that - I have decided, but Darren isn't in agreement yet! :)

    Our big news at the moment is that we actually have two adoptions going on. We are also adopting from Vietnam and are hoping to receive a match by June for a healthy girl baby. We are hoping to travel October or November. (I am realistically just crossing my fingers to have a baby girl in my arms by the end of the year!) We have also requested twins (like we did for China too), however that is so unlikely we aren't counting on it at all. The Vietnamese baby will most likely be 4-6 months when we get her so that means that she will be pretty close in age to our Chinese baby girl. We are probably a little crazy for wanting 2 so close in age but it is really just so exciting! (This 2nd adoption is also why I have been so behind on the Junebugs group.)

    So, to really answer your name question, we are actually trying to agree on two names! I will let you know as soon as we figure it out!


  • At 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow Nicole that is great news.

    What agency are you going through for the Vietnam adoption?

    And I'm so very happy for you. Please keep me posted.


  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Nicole said…

    Hi! We are using the Vietnamese Orphans Relief Fund (www.vorf.org). They have been wonderful. We did a ton of research on the different agencies. Although there were other agencies that told us that they could get us a match much faster, we were a bit uncomfortable not knowing how they were getting the babies so fast... VORF has been active in Vietnam helping the children and communities for several years, and even stayed there while the adoption program was shut down and continued to work on projects. They have a really great reputation and I found a lot of references. Since it is such a different process and trip that China, I was really looking for someone with a lot of stability and who I felt wouldn't leave us hanging in Vietnam. Some of the other (faster) agencies really made me nervous! Anyway, we are so excited for both girls that I almost can't stand it!

    I so wish I knew who you were!!!!


  • At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm so happy for you Nicole. I really wish we could also do two adoptions at once. You will have to keep me posted as to the program. And on baby names!

    Do you have a blog setup yet?

    Your, SP

  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger Nicole said…

    Hi! No blog yet, although I am working on it! I will let you know as soon as I do!



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