June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Carla's SP

Wow!!! You outdid yourself once again. We all loved our gifts. The little outfit is as cute as can be and the socks!! Love, love, love them!! I also can't wait for the summer to get my toenails polished and wear that ladybug toe ring. The picture frame will look good on my desk at work along with using the notepad and pen there. Can you see that ladybug hugging the fruit puffs? What a cute idea! You can see my youngest in the picture. He is just as excited as I am when its time to open the gifts. Both boys are enjoying the chocolate kisses and my dear hubby says thank you for the chocolate bar. He is going to hide it from me!! :(

Thank you, thank you!!!!!


  • At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am thrilled that you got it on time!! I'm also happy that you love all the treats.
    I can't wait to meet you! One way or the other we need to get together after we get our babies. Hopefully we will meet in China.
    You are all so welcome!
    Your Secret Pal


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