June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Saturday, January 27, 2007

To Lesa 's Secret Pal: Thank you for all the past gifts I haven't posted.....

Thank you so very much for all of the treasures that you have sent us. I am so sorry that I haven't posted the photos like I have in the past. Lots has been going on since X-mas. If I have missed any photos please let me know.
I really love all of my presents you have sent to me, Wendy, and Mylie they have truly boosted our spirits these days.
I especially love the Handmade Hat, Hair Clips and Hair band. I am very impressed that you have done this! They are so pretty, now all I need is to match up some outfits to take with me on the China trip. The little X-mas night wear, Ornaments for Wendy& Mylie, the toy attacher, and the M&M's for X-mas were great treats.
Recently I received a Little glass Ladybug, and Chinese Cookbook which Mike really loved( he loves to cook for the family), and it happened to arrive for his 50th birthday on Monday the 22nd of January. Wendy loves her little Frog Purse,and her frog stickers, too.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your Friend and Pal,


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