June Bugs Secret Pals

June 2006 DTC Group Gift Exchange

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Questions from your Secret Pal

I am setting a posting for people to post questions for the Secret Pal. This way everyone knows to come here to read the questions, if there are any, from your Secret Pal. Just click on the comment button to read and post a question.



  • At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have a question for Teresa Robertson. In your profile, you mention you want clothing. What size would you like? Do you want it for a boy, for a girl or for both?

    Your secret pal...

  • At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just wanted to post a comment for Gina Sandidge. I apologize for being so slow at getting you a real gift. I ordered some things online that were delayed. Hopefully the card will tide you over. Don't worry, you haven't been forgotten.

    Also, what size does your daughter wear? And what types of stuff is she into? I didn't see that you answered the questions on the board, so please let me know if there's anything in particular you are looking for.

    Have a great day!
    Your Secret Pal

  • At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is a question for Lesa Lambert...

    Okay, so your first clue is that we are in the process of adopting our first child so all of these toys are new to me! :)

    In your secret pal survey you mention the Fisher Price add-ons. Do you mean like the Ark animals and the farm animals? Do you already have any of the big sets? Which ones?

    Also, you mentioned the animal train. Is that the Amazing Animals Sing and Go Choo Choo?

    If you get a minute, you can go to www.fisher-price.com and go to "shoppers helper" and "create a wish list" and make a wish list of the exact sets you would like.

    Thank you!!!
    -your secret pal

  • At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To Gina Sandidge's Secret Pal...
    I love the scrapbook stickers!

    I have been very busy lately I am a K teacher and have just gone back to work this month. The 1st nine weeks are always very busy. My daughter Kealee is going to be 3 on November 18th. She is not a petite Chinese girl. She is around 40 pds and tall for an Asian. She has never been on the Asian Chart. She wears 4T and 5T mostly. She is a hard fit so Knits shirts and dresses are best. You will find that it is very hard to find pants in the correct length for most Asian children if you have not adopted before. She loves anything Disney Princess right now. She wears Princess dress up clothes daily. Dora is also a favorite. Also, I have updated my data base. I hope this helps.



  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger Lesa said…

    I'm sorry Secret Pal for being so long in answering you.
    Yes, It was the new Ark and Farm Animals. They are new this year as is the new Ark. We have last years Ark with the pandas this one wouldn't you know it have the neat animals. I just thought that if I had the new group of animals to add to what we had it would be neat. I have the small farm not the big one. The one I don't have is the Circus that is new this year, but it is over the budget; so don't worry about that at all. We don't have the FP Airplane which would be cute to get Wendy in the mood to fly to get her mei mei.
    As for the Train yes it is the Amazing Animals Sing adn Go Choo Choo. Wendy is into Thomas and her dad is a lionel collecter; so I thought it would be neat for Mylie to have this train for herself. I love the add ons to it....especially the Monkeys in Tote.
    Believe me when I say there is no need to go overboard. We love anything we get, and what ever we don't will be good to save for showers or X-mas.
    I can see where you would go nuts over everything being this will be your first child.
    this will be our fourth and it still is way too much fun~
    Thanks for inquiring. Lesa

  • At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Question for Ceci Gray-
    What are your favorite colors? Also, you mentioned that your new baby will probably share a room with Sydney. What color and/or theme is that room in? Is there any color you especially do not like?
    Thanks - Your Secret Pal

  • At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This Question is for Stacey Burton:

    What size clothing do you prefer?


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